About CBC

Community-Based Care (CBC)
is a new way of providing foster care and case management services that was pioneered in Texas by Our Community Our Kids (OCOK). It is a community-based approach to meeting the individual and unique needs of children, youth, and families.
Within a geographic service area, a single contractor (officially a Single Source Continuum Contractor or SSCC) is responsible for finding foster homes or other living arrangements for children in State care. This contractor not only provides them a full continuum of services, but also provides conservatorship case management services to children and their families.
OCOK has been responsible for finding placement and monitoring care for children in paid foster care since 2014. Our pioneering work has delivered improvements for abused and neglected children in many ways including helping children stay safe while in care, placing them close to home and in family settings, and keeping them stable in placement.
By assuming conservatorship case management, OCOK brings together child and family service delivery in a new and innovative manner.
We believe that engaging the biological family early and in a meaningful way, while providing high-quality parenting services, will create a chance for them to heal so their child can return home timely and safely.